Ensuring Project Success Property Investment & Development Consultancy

Through John Howards Property Consultancy services, you’ll benefit from his expert advice lending on 30 years of experience in the property sector.

John will help you overcome challenges, develop your skills and push you to reach your potential. John Howard uses his invaluable insight to guide both property investors and property developers through to completion of their projects successfully.

During the property consultancy service, John provides one-to-one advice on real scenarios to help you move forwards with an existing property or a potential property purchase.

John Howard Property offers a broad variety of property development consultancy services to meet every demand across all property sectors, working with developers, investors, landlords, funds, and tenants.

So whether you need Property Development Consultancy or Property Investment Advice, get in touch today to begin your property journey.


As well as impartial, experience-backed advice, you can also benefit from access to John’s wealth of contacts and deal finders with proven records of success, with whom John has built up strong, trusted working relationships with over decades.

With John’s support, these contacts can help you boost your revenue, reduce costs, and find efficient, cost-effective solutions to any unforeseen difficulties that may arise.

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Experience Importance of Property Consultants

Take a first look at our latest acquisition in Ladybank, Scotland. A development of 25 part-finished new build homes. We have been waiting around 2 months to begin work, and expect to be waiting another 2. This site is a perfect example of the importance of listening to your consultants to ensure a project is carried out as efficiently as possible.

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Contact Us

John is always delighted to be able to share his knowledge and experience with others in the industry.

To find out more about how John can support you with guidance on your property journey, please don’t hesitate to get in touch today.